Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Poverty In The Land Of Plenty

Read it and weep - poverty is on the rise and the poor have less and less while the middle class shrinks and shrinks, and that's just a start. Top it off with a possible (probable?) new president in Romney who will ceaselessly work on behalf of the ultra-rich while removing the last skeleton bone of a social safety net.

AlterNet: 7 Deadly Sins America Commits Against Its Own People
For blacks and Hispanics , it's one out of every three (children live in poverty).
One-quarter of America's workers are now making less than $22,000 a year, the poverty line for a family of four.


Glynn Kalara said...

What? You mean slavery isn't back yet? The GOPT is falling down on the job ( no pun intended. )

Jim Sande said...

Technically it's not back, but what we are looking at are all the ingredients of slavery minus the chains. People are already whipping and beating each other so there's no need for that from the powers that be...