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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ohio This Election Cycle

NYT: Oct. 22: Ohio Has 50-50 Chance of Deciding Election


At said...

In Ohio Obama is now dangerously close to my 1.25% GOPT handicap. I think Ohio is now leaning towards RMoney.

Jim Sande said...

I think most of us have had enough of Ohio and Florida.

At said...

Both States are littered with the dead rotting corpse of the American dream. The GOPT has planted it's democracy destroying projects deeply inside their political systems as a firewall against change and a way to seize power in close elections like this one. RMONEY will win this because of the black box deadfalls and voter suppression laws now built into these places. The D's know all about them and don't seem to care or in their usual inept style are too weak to fight back. I predict RMoney will win this election by 2%. These people do not play by any rules. They make them up as they go along.