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Friday, October 19, 2012

Obama's Romnesia Speech


Glynn Kalara said...

If this election stays this close I can't see Obama winning. Here's why, the GOPT voter suppression laws and computer vote rigging teams are designed to handicap the GOP in any race below 1.25% of the votes. When an election with millions of voters is in that range the noise hides these operations. Right now, I hate to say this, but @ the moment it's IMO Willard's race to lose.

Jim Sande said...

Yup, we are reading about an intense effort at voter suppression. No on has ever suggested that democracy was at the core of the Republican party. In my opinion this race is reminiscent of 2000, Romney could pull it off in a similar way - a contentious close race with lots of fuzzy distortion around the edges weighted to the GOTP.