Monday, June 01, 2009

Progressive Progress

From a deep operative -

We know that there is a political shift going on in the country. More states and more people are moving away from Republicans and Conservatives and are now joining Democrats and Progressives.

This article gets into the whys of this issue. Its one thing to reject the ideas of a political climate but then what ideas are gaining in importance. What do people want.

The article touches on what is at the core of the shift.

AlterNet: The Results Are In: Americans Are Now More Closely Aligned With Progressive Ideas Than at Any Time in Memory
...more than twice as many people agree with the statement, "there are more things government should be doing" than believe the Reaganite adage, "the less government, the better."

A majority (55-70 percent, depending on how the question is worded) believes it's the government's responsibility to provide health care to all Americans...

Almost 2 out of 3 Americans believe the taxes they pay are fair, and that the very wealthy pay too little in taxes; almost 7 in 10 believe corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes.

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