Thursday, June 25, 2009

More On Public Health Paln

The Commonwealth Fund has issued a report on a public health care program.

They find that such a plan would save nearly $2 trillion.

They could have just asked any of us.

Reuters: Public health plan could save money faster: policy group
A nationwide health insurance exchange that includes a Medicare-like government option could save $1.8 trillion more than if only private plans are offered, a prominent private U.S. health policy group said on Wednesday.


Glynn Kalara said...

That is why it probably won't every happen. That 2 trill. is going to come out of the existing so called Health Ins. Industry and they've bought a pile of Congresscritters to stop this from ever happening. The BIG ? is will these critters stay bought? My guess is soulless creatures like Max Bauchus and Diane Feinstein and others will have no problem screwing the rest of us to feather their own nests and the nests of a few Health Ins. and BIG Pharma Ceos. We don't matter to these DINOCRATS. Why they aren't GOPERS is beyond me? Maybe, because the GOPers lost? Were only of interest to these people on election day. After that it's business as usual.

Jim Sande said...

One thing that has changed is the level of talk about it and the media is doing a better job in that now they are actually reporting on it as opposed to not reporting on it at all. Plus the reporting is not 100% skewered towards big pharma which is where the reporting usually is. And no wonder since big pharma pays for the advertising revenue of so much TV and radio, allegra, dick pills, all that stuff. So maybe in 30 years it will become a reality.

Glynn Kalara said...

We'll see. Obama 's put his Presidency on the line on this issue. Clinton wasn't able to beat these fucks. I doubt Obama will do any better. I hope I'm wrong.