Tuesday, June 02, 2009

More Cheney Again And Again

We must be in some kind of negative feedback loop, endlessly cycling round and round, over and over, again and again.

Swamp Politics.com: Cheney: 'Would do exactly the same'
Cheney said. "I do not believe, and I have never seen any evidence to confirm, that he was involved in 9/11... But the fact of Saddam Hussein being a terrorist-sponsoring state... was, I think, a fact."

"I don't believe we tortured,'' Cheney said today, insisting that authorities followed the guidance of Justice Department lawyers and did not cross a "red line'' into illegal conduct. "There were three people who were water-boarded.... It was well-done.''


Glynn Kalara said...

Desperate to justify everything and anything. When he was in power though he acted as though he didn't need to justify a damn thing. I think he's worried and trying to set the Dems. up for any attack in the future. The MSM is still fawning to this creature and the Dems. are still scared of him. Pathetic!

Jim Sande said...

Good point. He was secretive and hidden, now he's ubiquitous and verbose. Funny thing to say the least.

Glynn Kalara said...

He's certainly confirming to everyone one thing. It was all true about him running a secret gov't and "W" being little more then a hand puppet. Notice he almost never even refers to BV$H. I think he had nothing but contempt for him pretty early on.