Thursday, June 18, 2009

Iranian Voter Fraud

Nice article from McClatchy on the Iranian-vote-gate.

They say it would be as if Bush beat Kerry in 2004 by taking New York City and Massachusetts,

Fat chance, even Bush might know better.

McClatchy: Why the official Iranian election results are suspect
...unexplained police movements on the evening of the election, the exceptionally fast counting of handwritten ballots and some inexplicable election returns are among the reasons that opposition candidates and analysts cite when they say they suspect the vote was rigged.

There were no international observers. None of the ballots has been seen publicly; they're under guard at the Interior Ministry in downtown Tehran, which is under Ahmadinejad's control.


Glynn Kalara said...

Yes, as Stalin once was reported to have said about election. It's all about who counts them.

Jim Sande said...

Rule number one, if you're stealing an election, at least make the thing seem reasonable. They had it something like 62% to 33%. Now there's millions of people in the streets.

Glynn Kalara said...

Yea, well what can u expect from religious nitwits? At least Rove understood that part didn't he?