Monday, June 01, 2009

Carter On Obama

I have to agree with Jimmy Carter. Obama needs to get the bad news, the bad photos, the torture memos, all of it, out for all of us to see.

We are disappointed with Obama's light touch attitude towards the Bush administration.

CNN: Carter sounds off on Obama
...Jimmy Carter tells CNN he believes photos showing detainee abuse should be released to the public — putting him at odds with President Obama...

"Most of his supporters were hoping that he would be much more open in the revelation of what we've done in the past..."


steve t said...

I think about the U.S. using the same facility (abu ghrab} that Saddam used to torture people. Any moral party would have leveled the place, but we decided to reuse it as a prison. I wonder how many Iraq's that were tortured under Saddam ended upbeing tortured by americans in the same facility? ....Throw the light of day on these practices! How many Iraq's would really be surprised. But a lot of americans might be.

Glynn Kalara said...

BV$H was a sadist and so was Cheney and Rumsfield. I'd water board every one of them and then see what they think about whether or not it was torture.

Jim Sande said...

Anybody have any ideas why Obama is not pursuing the Bush administration and why he is taking a light touch to this whole episode.

My guess is that he has been approached by the neocons just as Clinton was in '92, just like they all have been, with an entire scenario about the military and such. Carter actually went into office talking tone down the military and all that but when the pre-neocons of that era, some of the very same people that worked under Bush got him cornered, Carter changed.

I think the neocons have flipped Obama, that's my theory. I may be completely wrong, but until I hear differently I'm sticking with it.