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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Let's face it, barring a terrorist attack, a war outbreak, a disastrous crash, a major medical breakthrough, or an assassination, there is only one story today.

I am watching this inauguration with great satisfaction.

I am overjoyed to see the last fumes of Bush although we are facing years of tragic sifting through the debris of his deft decision making.

I could care less about the sentiment of the neo and modern conservatives in this country. They had their shot and the results were catastrophic. Never has such intense idiocy and ineptness been so handsomely rewarded. Never has such divisiveness and malice been given such a bully pulpit.

Forget about the conservatives. Don't even bother to go there.

Today, just relax, we now have a president who can do fundamental things, like speak, with great elan. We will have someone we can admire and who talks to the people.

This is a great day and it is a long time coming, way too long.

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