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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tough Week Ahead

If there was one point regarding the economy that became perfectly clear during Obama's first week in office, it is that things are far far worse than imagined.

The undercurrent seems to swirl around the conviction that no one really knows what to do. In this sense, Obama is in a very tight situation, but we know this.

Republicans have begun to rattle their objections to Obama. I find this verging on the absurd. Have these people so quickly forgotten the monstrosity of the Bush administration and its sheer, utter, and abysmal failure along with the massive volume of failure. And the answer is yes, they have forgotten.

The point here is that Republicans do not have anything to offer but failure. We have experienced this for eight unending years. Consequently our contempt for their policy mismanagement mixed with their sharp nasty tongues becomes stronger.

One thing that the Republican party might consider is a course in self-awareness. Before that it taken though, they may need to understand what that means.

Reuters: Stocks eye Obama, Fed, earnings
Next week, 137 companies in the S&P 500 and 12 Dow components will report earnings, in what's expected to be the weakest in this six-quarter streak of negative growth.


Glynn Kalara said...

Read my piece today at my site.

I worry about the Obama Stim. if it's going to be aimed at an already corrupt and well connected BIG CORP. business network that was established these last 8 yrs. of GOP crony capitalism. The Obama $$ could just disappear down this same rat hole and end up in the Cayman's along with the rest of the last 8 yrs. phony boom.
He's be better off just handing the $$ out in cash to people then expecting these greedy companies to actually create any jobs with it. Look at whet the banks did the last 3 mos. as an example. They all took billions and then laid off tens of thousands anyway. They then pocketed the money gave top Exes. huge bonuses with it had a caviar and champagne Spa party while they were at it. These are shameless arrogant people and Obama should know that by now. As for the GOP Congressional whining it's disgusting given what we already know about this crowd. To be blunt if I were Obama I'd tell these PIGS to Fuck off!

Jim Sande said...

Yes I worry about that money going into the wrong hands as well. This is the thing. How does he create work programs and then how does he create work programs where people are not hired with a wink and a handshake because somebody knew somebody or somebody blew somebody. This is what happened during the Carter new deal.

We call it the war on the middle class. Pretty ironic isn't it. The only people the Republicans have behind them are the top .5% elite who think the war is a big card game to win and out litigate and they have the less educated x-tian poor white people who are on the shit end of the upper .5% stick like everybody else.

Glynn Kalara said...

The whole bail -out scenario is so badly thought out it makes me wonder if just taking the money and dumping it from crop dusters over the cities and suburbs might not be easier and more productive? Kind of like cloud seeding to make rain. I can picture it now thousands of crop dusters flying low on a weekly schedule dumping greenbacks to the needy. It would be like green rain. Right now it's only raining at a few lucky banks that were so bad at what they did they're being rewarded! The rest of us when were bad at what we do are fired. What's wrong with this picture friend? So, I opt for the crop duster or how about something even easier just electronically transfer the money to our bank accounts? Oh, no that would have awful moral hazard implications LOL! Like sending this same $$ to proven crooked and incompetant bankers is better?
Or, if he need a jobs program out of this system howabout hire millions to hand make the checks from hemp ( 2 fer here) and hand ink them and then millions more to hand deliver them and so on and so forth. The billions needed to feed , cloth and and transport this new agency ( I call it the Obama stimulus brigades) would create a whole mini-boom for cheap motels , street vendors etc. Plus, dig this, it's all about the GREEN ($$) economy, right? :)