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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bush Nightmare Update

In a way that is similar to how people ended up in Gitmo, subjected to torture and duress all the while being completely innocent of all allegations and suspicions, many Muslims in America were convicted and jailed on trumped up terrorist charges. This is part of the Bush legacy.

Recall how there was a virtual witch hunt for Muslim terrorist cells throughout America after the attacks of 9-11. Recall Muslims not being allowed to travel on planes and in some cases pulled off planes. The stories were frequent and disturbing. In my opinion, some cases were deliberately conducted and pushed through the media in order to create an atmosphere of fear among the American people. This fear powered the radical string of laws, rules, proclamations, and executive orders which also deliberately trampled on the democratic rights of all Americans. This is the real Bush legacy.

There was a distinctly paranoiac and fear filled tone to the entire period.

Consider signing a petition which asks President Obama to look into these cases and review their merit and veracity.

Justice for wrongfully prosecuted Muslims
Many of the questionable prosecutions originated in a special terrorism unit in Washington which used warrantless NSA material to illegally generate suspicion and target individuals. Because the NSA material has been deemed secret, it could not be challenged or revealed to the defendants to show it was unreliable or false. (In the same way, the Justice Department classified secret legal memos that led to the establishment of Guantanamo, secret rendition, torture, and other abuses so that none of it could be challenged and shown to be false.)

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