Saturday, January 10, 2009

Europe - Recession

In the US 2.6 million have lost their jobs in this harsh recession.

Spain which has a population of approximately 41 million people, about 1/8 the population of the US, has 3 million unemployed. If that proportion were to be carried into the USA, we would have roughly 24 million unemployed. So relative to Spain, we are in significantly better shape in this recession.

Reuters: Euro zone engulfed by dismal data, eyes on ECB
...exports from Germany, Europe's biggest economy, fell by an unprecedented 10.6 percent month-on-month in November...

...unemployment in Spain is now topping 3 million for the first time ever...

...Mercedes-Benz cars division saw a 23.5 percent decrease in U.S. sales in December.

...German unemployment could double to around 6 million...


Glynn Kalara said...

America get's a cold the rest of the planet gets pneumonia.

Greed has it's downside. The sad part though is not for the greedy. It's paradox of greed isn't it and it's why such a behavior is so hard to stem. Like Lust it has a sweet reward. Lust is tied to sex and therefore is nearly impossible to eradicate. Greed is tied to self-interest which is tied to survival so we can forget about getting rid of this wild animal. We need to police it better and not allow the greed heads to get control of the policing authorities as they did under Reagan and BV$H 1 & 2. Once the fox is in the hen house forget about the chickens.

Jim Sande said...

It would be a very interesting study to trace the roots of the recession from the perspective of greed. Make that the central theme of the discovery and amplification. I think its an interesting idea because it breaks from the traditional objective type of analysis and makes its more human more personal.

Glynn Kalara said...

I don't believe an objective analysis by the numbers works here. You have to look deeper.