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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

October 1

Its the surprise month.

Here we are at the beginning of October. By the end, it should be clear who the next president ought to be. Fixing the election on the other hand is more ripe than ever. So although we may see a distinct leader in the polls, and we may know who will win, we might get a big surprise.

Can you imagine McCain winning. There are many websites devoted to the possibility of a McCain victory and its consequences, in particular rioting in the streets. Hard to imagine there would not be some kind of public outcry in that outcome. Palin as VP, that is preposterous. The Republicans have this need to have tickets with a lightning rod, someone who deflects attention away from the hideous policy mess of the main act.

Obama is at present nurturing a semi-solid lead, depending on the pollster, of between 5 to 8 points over McCain. Obama is still maintaining a healthy lead in electoral votes. The swing states still are the deciding factors.

One small observation about Bush -

The Bush administration really brought in the wrecking ball mentality and the reintroduction of the monolithic.

It strikes me as consistent with the Bush administration that the size and scope of the alleged bail out is so vast. The short story is that Bush has desensitized us to societal experiences that are attached to gigantic changes.

On one level the size of the bail out desired at $700Billion on top of a highly refinanced and second mortgaged deficit budget is equivalent to Bush's rewriting of the Constitution, introducing torture, creating new categories of war prisoners, ending habeas corpus, polarizing the country, pre-emptive warring, and the dismissal of the ordinary American's welfare.

What a mess these last 8 years have been. Bush has brought all the excitement of a flat tire in the middle of the desert on a scorching day along with an empty gas tank and no food or money.

By the end of October we probably will know if the soon to be forged bail out that will be hoisted on middle class America for the next decade has had any impact of significance. One aspect of that significance - a large group of elite Wall Street financiers and Bush will be smoking havanas and thinking what a fat headed bunch of suckers we all are.

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