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Monday, October 27, 2008

Palin Palling Around With A Convictd Felon And Perjurer

Oh dear, Sarah Palin is palling around with a convicted felon. How can we possibly trust a Vice Presidential candidate who is so care free and shows a complete lack of discretion in the people that she pals around with.

As we know, if you want to see a candidate's character, simply look at the people they pal around with.

As governor of Alaska, Palin palled around with and even worked on legislation with fellow Republican and now convicted felon Stevens. Its disgraceful.

Imagine a convicted felon working hand and hand with Governor Palin in order to cook up all kinds of schemes that hurt the good people of Alaska.

This is bad palling around, if you ask me.

Reuters: Sen. Stevens found guilty of corruption
Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska was convicted of corruption on Monday, a verdict that could endanger the Republican's political future and help Democrats expand control of the Senate in the November 4 election.
Listen to Stevens endorse Palin for Governor a short 2 years ago.

Sarah Palin wasn't 8 years old when Senator Stevens became a convicted felon. We understand she pals around with Stevens 24/7.

This can only mean that Palin is just like a convicted felon.

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