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Saturday, February 10, 2007


I very much like to read articles written by Robert Fisk.

He is the Independent's reporter on the Middle East. The Independent is a British newspaper.

Robert Fisk lives in the Middle East, and genuinely reflects his liking and admiration for the people that live in that region in his writing.

Generally his articles are a cut above in that they reveal details and subtleties that are either not known or glossed over in other report.

This article is particularly good in getting at some of the details of the Iraq occupation.

Robert Fisk: Iraqi insurgents offer peace in return for US concessions

The US of course would never concede a thing.

excerpt: "It is not difficult to see why the Americans would object to those terms. They will not want to talk to men they have been describing as "terrorists" for the past four years. And if they were ever to concede that the "resistance" represented "the will of the Iraqi people" then their support for the elected Iraqi government would have been worthless."

Americans are mostly left out in the dark about offers of negotiation. They have been there coming in from Iraq right before the shock and awe began, as well as from Iran, which offered to concede practically everything the US now wants from them.

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