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Friday, January 19, 2007


The Democratic sweep in November seems to be propelling an uprising.

Republicans in the Senate and Congress are joining with Democrats to create legislation that appears to actually benefit ordinary people. This is something that we have not seen in a long time.

Raising the minimum wage to $7.25 is a start but this is still completely inadequate. Follow the model of Australia where people earn real, livable wages for all types of work including the dirty work. Then we are talking the real deal.

But what is heartening is seeing the rebellion to the escalation of the Iraq occupation. The war cannot be won. How do we win a civil war?

Bush is more and more isolated and people are less controlled by his dictatorial grip. Hopefully more sanity will prevail before a disastrous war with Iran can begin. Legislators appear to be taking back the reigns of power, all to the better.

I would like to point out a recent article at Truth Out.

The article is titled Bush and the Psychology of Incompetent Decisions

The writers present information on the psychology of the Bush mind. They write,"We don't dare to really confront the scale of his incompetent behavior, because then we would have to face what it means to have such an incompetent and psychologically disabled decision-maker as our president. It raises everyone's uncertainty. And that is, in fact, happening now."

Ask yourself, do you feel a sense of gut wrenching uncertainty surrounding Bush and company and their decision making ability?

Image from Radiant Light Gallery

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