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Sunday, January 28, 2007


In previous posts I have expressed a little bit of frustration over what I and now the majority of Americans perceive to be gross and flagrant violations of the US Constitution and the foundations of democracy by the Bush administration, across the board and on all levels.

I have had changes of heart from the point of view of how to address this frustration.

Is it best to try to be as deliberately sarcastic and nasty about Bush and company? The downfall of this approach is clear. In some ways it places you at the same level of the object of your hostility.

On the other hand, should one be above board, place the information out there that clearly makes your point and demonstrates the said violations.

I switch back and forth on this. The main reason is that we are dealing with unconscionable people. This is truly the case. The Bush company is made up of authoritarian personality types. This type doesn't really respect the logical, respectful point of view. They would simply roll right over the person that presents the gentle point of view. In Bush's case, torture that person. This is the sadistic bully.

I would simply point to any one of a number of TV interviews with Cheney as the most obvious example of this authoritarian attack. If you want something even less tactful than Cheney, then try Coulter.

Today, I am pleased to see this article appear at MSNBC - Newsweek:

Will Rove Testify?

There is a good chance that Rove will be forced to testify under oath at the Libby trial.

If this occurs, all hell breaks loose, not that it hasn't already. So all hell breaks loose even more.

In the past I have crudely referred to Rove as "The Ass Whisperer." The name refers to the "Horse Whisperer", the person who quietly speaks into the ear of the horse and gains their civility and control. Think Robert Redford. So as "The Ass Whisperer" Rove speaks into the ear of the.... yes that is the point.

This is crude and certainly unbecoming a person like myself, someone who wants to use clarity, gentleness, and civility to try and explain the deficiencies of the Bush administration.

So I am sorry for using the term Rove - The Ass Whisperer. The Ass Whisperer is a mistake. You should never use the term Karl Rove - The Ass Whisperer, for this would be an unbecoming thing to do in this world.

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