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Monday, January 08, 2007

Pre-emptive Failure

Bush's neo-conservative based plan to increase troop levels in Iraq is under tremendous criticism, even before it is officially announced.

What is surprising is that the dam of political partisanship, that has polarized the parties over Iraq, has burst. Conservatives are openly expressing their opposition to this "surge."

George Will and David Brooks Join Critics of the 'Surge'

Will and Brooks who in the past have literally bent over backwards in lavishing praise on this far far less than praiseworthy president, are just a small part of the conservative backlash.

Similarly and with better insight and understanding, Wesley Clark's recent article in the Independent, a British paper, hits the nail on the head. He points out the fundamental issue that is most glaring in the Bush Iraq position.

The glaring error is the actual policy itself. The policy is the product of the neo-conservatives and can be traced back to the Project for a New American Century's PNAC document of September 2000.

In a nutshell PNAC is perhaps the screwiest document since Hitler's Mein Kampf. It is equally brutal and in direct opposition to all things democratic. In short it is a calling to world domination through unilateral and overwhelming military force.

Wesley Clark: Bush's 'surge' will backfire

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