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Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Dunno

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. One could assume that he is a staunch conservative. He is also a strong vocal critic of the Iraq war and occupation.

His recent article on the "surge" of more troops into Iraq is direct and sharp expressing outrage at and insight into the policy choice.

Surge and Mirrors - What Bush Really Said


"The real content of the speech is toward the end where Bush mentions Iran and Syria."

"The neoconservatives and the right-wing Israeli government have clearly stated their plans to overthrow Muslim governments throughout the region and to deracinate Islam. These plans existed long before 9/11."

"Near the end of his "surge" speech, Bush adopts the neoconservative program as US policy. The struggle, Bush says, echoing the neoconservatives and the Israeli right-wing, goes far beyond Iraq."


Roberts points out that the neo-conservative goal as outlined in the PNAC document is to invade Iran and Syria. As a participant in this plan, Bush wants to bring war to Iran and Syria.

If you don't like what you see in Iraq, how will you react to the Iraq scenario multiplied many many times over.

Also when Bush links the Iraq occupation with "a threat to American interests," he is referring to American corporate interests, and in most cases multinational corporate interests.

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