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Saturday, January 27, 2007


Classic Bush administration lying and reckless denial of facts -

The Iraq National Intelligence Estimate aka NIE is missing in action, stalled by a paranoid administration. I must say Bush and Cheney are some bunch. Why bother with intelligence that suggests your idea of a "surge" is fruitless. After all Bush is the Decider.

Delayed Iraq NIE Will Undermine Case For Escalation

I have to say, impeachment does not really go far enough. This is criminal. These guys get uglier by the minute.

Stephen Pizzo's article is a skilled comparison of the Bush administration's reckless tendencies and the reckless bankers involved in the savings and loan scandals of the 80s. These scandals made some very shady characters very rich including Bush family members, while the American taxpayer paid the multi-billion dollar tab.

Texas Hold-em by Stephen Pizzo

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