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Friday, March 16, 2018

Have An Excellent Friday

work by Norman Rockwell


Glynn Kalara said...

A genius! I've been up close to more than a few of his originals and all I can say is they're an amazing body of work.

Jim Sande said...

Yeah, he really had it down pat, definitely a genus.

Glynn Kalara said...

My understanding is that he worked extensively from photographs that he took for the most part.

Jim Sande said...

I wonder if he used a projector to get the image structure on the canvas. He was one patient dude, and so masterful.

Glynn Kalara said...

Not sure how he used the pics? Projection is very popular among illustrators but there are other options. Among some fine artists and art critics, there is a kind of prejudice that says if you can't draw just from life your NOT a real artist. It's a deceit and a form of hubris I strongly disagree with yet Its there among those folks with that skill level or pt. of view. Any use of mechanical or optical tools in pursuit of art is looked down on. If we use this standard a very large portion of the art community is excluded from the title of artist. That said, I have enormous admiration and respect for people that can simply draw or paint from life with amazing accuracy. They're as rare as hounds teeth goes the old saying. We should all remember though that many art critics and artists consider Pollock one of if not the greatest artist of the 20th Century. He literally could not draw a straight line. Such is ART.