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Friday, March 16, 2018

Lawrence O'Donnell - Howell Raines - PA-18 Election Shows Trump's Base Is Vulnerable


Glynn Kalara said...

We can beat these bastards on their own turf if we can get our base out and not get caught up in nitpicking idealogical fights. Lamb might not have been the perfect candidate for us Progressives so what he was to the left in that area which is hard right/red. I'll take him. I have the same situation where I live its a Red district not hard red more purple but the Dem. the candidate that will be running for the Cong. is not my best pick or in anyway very Progressive but he'll have to do. We need a Blue Congress or at least a Purple one, not the DEEP Red one we have now.

Jim Sande said...

The GOP has a big problem, Trump. He's mean spirited, obsessive, vengeful, childish, I mean this guy is a monster. He's worse than Nixon much worse. It will be Trump that pushes Dems in November. The idea of a Blue Congress against Trump is a fun thing.