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Friday, March 16, 2018

Elon Musk - Artificial Intelligence, Neuralink And New Forms Of Government On Mars


Glynn Kalara said...

Very interesting! The fact that Elon is so worried about AI is in of itself interesting. What does he know that we don't about this area? I disagree however with his environmental evaluation of our present situation. More carbon in the air and over 400 ppm of CO2 is ok? That's directly contrary to what most of the scientific consensus is right now in fact its just the opposite of the consensus that feels were already in the danger zone as far as the amounts of CO2 and other GHGS in the atmosphere.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I too found his concern about digital super AI to be very interesting and troubling. This guy is a cut above on the intelligence scale and he is in the company of the world's greatest minds so I'm willing to want to listen and learn. I had a similar concern about CO2 above 400. He was saying that this is where it needs to stay, above this say800, 1600, that's not going to work out well as we know. He's concerned about extraplanetary human colonies partly as a way to recolonize Earth.