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Monday, March 26, 2018


Salon: Behind Stormy’s saga: Trump’s systematic payoff machine is the real story - Beyond salacious curiosity, Stormy Daniels’ tale tells us a lot about how Trump operates — and what he fears most by Heather Digby Parton


Glynn Kalara said...

In Trumpf world everyone has to sign a standard non-disclosure form because Trumpf is a criminal and criminals don't want the law or the media knowing about their dirty deeds and plans. It's really that simple in Donald's case and everyone but his ignorant followers know it.

Glynn Kalara said...

He can't seem to pay his bills unless it's for whores. Then he can pay huge amounts to shut them up. He's easily blackmailed is the story here do we really want our President easily subject to the blackmail of whores? Maybe, there's more to the Steele Memos salacious report about his perverted sex life then he wants anyone to know. The louder he screams about something the more he calls it Fake News the more you can almost count on it being real.

Jim Sande said...

Yeah that's really the formula. Whatever he is complaining about is more than likely what he is actually doing, except what he is doing is ten times worse. The man has a lot of skeletons in his closet, he's a real piece of work.