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Friday, March 23, 2018

Selfish Loves Selfish

Salon: Trump voters are selfish: They love him because they identify with him - New psychological research: Trump’s voters were not confused or deluded. They knew what they wanted, and got it by Chauncey DeVega


Glynn Kalara said...

The core belief of the average Trumpf voter is that somebody out here is getting something from them they don't deserve and that Donald knows who these people are and will take away their ill-gotten UNEARNED largess. They also believe all immigrants not from Norway or Sweden are bad actors intent on doing them harm and need to be ejected immediately. They also are suspicious of brown people in general and other non-Christian religions in particular.

Jim Sande said...

That is in keeping with the findings. It's about a lot of fear, paranoia, misunderstanding, and jealousy.