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Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The Palmer Report: Donald Trump’s plot with Russia wasn’t collusion. It was treason.


Glynn Kalara said...

TrumPutin is trying to minimize what he did by using the word COLLUSION but the real word here is TREASON. However, without the Congress in our hands, such a charge goes nowhere. The sad truth is the Russians attacked us and they WON. Their man is in office and his aims are in concert with a Foreign Dictator and enemy. To hear TrumPutin and his minions like Tillerson and others in his Gov't Russia isn't the problem the Media, Clinton. Obama , the rest of us that don't buy Donald's Bullshit is the PROBLEM. They have a REALITY they are creating and they want us all to believe in it TRUMAN SHOW style. Their only problem is getting or forcing us all to go along with it.

Jim Sande said...

Part of this will be a battle of headlines and getting the word out to counter Trump's lying fog and his cohorts lying fog. Dems have to drill it home over and over and over and over. Nobody gets to roll over for Trump, the word has to get out. The charge I hope Mueller hits Trump worth is conspiracy, conspiracy to defraud the US and the US election.