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Tuesday, February 27, 2018


The Palmer Report: Donald Trump frantically tips off that everything is falling apart for him


Glynn Kalara said...

Palmer is speculating. I think Trumpf is just trying to muddy the waters enough to pin it all on Manafort and Gates and if need be he'll throw a few others under the wheels. They'll never get him nobody has yet. He's smart even cunning when it comes to staying out of jail. I doubt he'll quit either he has the uber CORRUPT Congress willing to stand with him and that won't change even if the Dems. win back the House ( a long shot no matter what the polls are saying right now.)

Jim Sande said...

There are several positive things that are occurring as a result of Trump's term. Me too, the increase in women running for office along with their passion and intensity, and now this youth movement that is going after guns. These things are positive and progressive, they all lead to a better society. No matter what Trump does and how long he remains in office, he will be the thing that fires up progressive action and movement. People are not taking Trump sitting down, people are energized and that energy is translating into positive actions.