Monday, December 12, 2016


Guardian UK: Donald Trump says CIA charge Russia influenced election is 'ridiculous' - President-elect speaks as bipartisan group of senators voices concern - FBI covered up Russian influence on Trump win, Harry Reid claims


Glynn Kalara said...

The ONLY thing between us and total tyranny now is just a few cowardly corrupt GOP and Dem. Senators. Good luck to us. Trumpf, unlike GWBV$H and Darth Cheney, is the REAL deal a would be Dictator who wants TOTAL power and is more then prepared to seize it if given the opportunity and you can bet he will be handed it by Russia or some other enemy out here. TRUMPF and his gang hate democracy just as much as they do. So, we are now poised on a knife's edge, one emergency or terror attack away from Dictatorship. We should be preparing for this to happen sooner than later.

Jim Sande said...

It's a classic scenario just waiting to unfold. We are unwitting observers and participants, in fact we help pay for it.