Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Run, Run, Run

Neuroscience News: Runners’ Brains May Be More Connected
If you’re thinking about taking up running as your New Year’s resolution and still need some convincing, consider this: MRI scans reveal that endurance runners’ brains have greater functional connectivity than the brains of more sedentary individuals.


Glynn Kalara said...

I'm too old now to just run run run the knees and back just aren't up for it anymore. So, I jog, walk fast and run and it seems to work for me. As we age we tend to slow down and move less for all the reasons I just gave, but that causes, even more, problems so moving is where its' at.

Jim Sande said...

Yeah, I run a lot less too. Walking is where it's at for me too. I walk with a neighbor in the afternoon and having a dog helps too as she needs walking. The knees yup, they do get sore.