Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Salon: Donald Trump’s continuing war on reality: The president-elect and his online lackeys keep claiming a “historic” victory - For Donald Trump and Breitbart, winning isn't enough, so they invent a "landslide" to intimidate potential critics by Simon Maloy


Glynn Kalara said...

BV$H they claimed had a landslide as well after the 2000 election a landslide of FIVE SCOTUS Justices. This yr. we told to deduct the 3 mil. votes for Hillary because illegals cast them says Donald. That's already a commonly believed FACTOID on the right that's the basis of the Landslide talk. In Trumplandia he won BIGLY and if you don't believe it that's because you're a Libtard.

Jim Sande said...

All Hail the King!