Monday, December 12, 2016

Krugman's Latest

NY Times: The Tainted Election by Paul Krugman
...the victor was rejected by the public, and won the Electoral College only thanks to foreign intervention and grotesquely inappropriate, partisan behavior on the part of domestic law enforcement.


Glynn Kalara said...

I'm not buying it, Paul. I think it would have been hard for Biden or Sanders to win this fall. That every poll missed how close this was is a mystery. Sadly, the failure of the entire pundit class and the polls has in of itself undermined democracy in a way nobody ever imagined. The same thing though happened in 2000 and it's now obvious a deal cut in 1787 ( the electoral college) is now coming apart badly. Trumpf's false claim that he actually won the popular vote is now considered common knowledge on the right. It's a fact because Emperor Donald says it is. Truth, facts, science it's all way overrated in TRumplandia just read your Bible folks and listen to Rush and watch FOX have another glass of Trumpf brand Kool-aid and don't worry about anything WE have it all lol under control. Now go back to sleep and let daddy take care of everything.

Jim Sande said...

What Krugman is talking about is a bargain bin book exposé that comes out in a year or two, catches the attention of the left, irritates the hell out of us, and then gets used to wrap fish.