Friday, July 22, 2016

It's Worse

Science Daily: Historical records miss a fifth of global warming: NASA
summary - A new NASA-led study finds that almost one-fifth of the global warming that has occurred in the past 150 years has been missed by historical records due to quirks in how global temperatures were recorded. The study explains why projections of future climate based solely on historical records estimate lower rates of warming than predictions from climate models.


Glynn Kalara said...

Well that explains a lot. Kind of. Doesn't really matter at this point. The planet is being subjected to a concerted trashing by so many different angles it's hard to keep up.

Jim Sande said...

It is hard to keep up. It's a steady stream of environmental changes, temperature records, wild dramatic weather, flooding, wildfires, and observable mayhem.

Glynn Kalara said...

Plus, the plastic and toxic chemical pollution, acidification of the Ocean, and last but not least the hundreds of nukes with their waste storage issues. It's a real shit storm for the coming generations to deal with.