Monday, September 14, 2015

TRNN - Why Sanders And Trump Are More Alike Than You Think


Glynn Kalara said...
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Glynn Kalara said...

Interesting, not really. Trump and Sanders are also both men from NY for that matter, beyond the superficial they are actually opposites. TRUMP hates the LOSERS in society ( the 99%) and loves himself a winner ( the 1%). Bernie hates TRUMP and his class and loves the 99% of the rest of society. This will be an election about whose going to run our society from here on. US or TRUMP et al. ( & the other couple dozen Billionaires.)

Jim Sande said...

Lately I'm thinking I want Trump to win the GOP nomination. Think about it, you might hate Trump but is anyone else in this bunch of losers preferable? Who would you prefer to get the GOP nod?

Glynn Kalara said...

God forbid Trump gets the nod. It would be a lot harder to beat Donald IMO then Jeb or any of the other mental midgets the GOP field has to offer this time around.

Jim Sande said...

Can you imagine the shite mess that the Donald will make! It would be interesting to watch that wreck continuously unravel except that we also unfortunately happen to be in the wreck.