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Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Drought

  I posted an article on the developing conspiracy theories about the California drought a few days ago. Initially I thought it was just a passing story, but there appears to be more to it as The Guardian is now reporting on it as well. Can you imagine, some people are pushing this. The theories are not unified except under the broad idea that it is the government/military at the root of the problem. This is sad. In a way this partially explains Fiorina's absurd claims that the drought was the fault of the Democrats. She's just a few tiny strands of tin foil short of some of this stuff

Guardian UK: Drought blamers: California conspiracists see government's hand in arid climate - A lack of rain is way too simple an explanation for these conspiracy theorists – it’s why it hasn’t rained much in four years that matters: the US government is geoengineering the California climate

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