Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Ultimate Clown

  It's a hard article to resist posting.

Ring Of Fire: Carly Fiorina’s Ex-Husband: “She’s The Ultimate Clown.”


Glynn Kalara said...

It's a testament to how weak the GOP field is this year that someone as pathetic as Corp. shark Carly F. can rise to the top. The GOP is going to have to do better then people like Carly, Dr. Ben and "the Donald" if it expects to compete next yr.

Jim Sande said...

This is still just the pageant part of the process. It's like GM having a show of some new prototype models that they throw out there and see if anything sticks. I think Trump, Carson, and Fiorina will all end up on the discard heap. I would think Fiorina could get a VP slot at best, Trump and Carson nooo, no slot. It is a weak field and the GOP has moved so far to the right that even GHW Bush, poppy Bush, would be too 'liberal' for this crowd. Even poppy Bush supported Planned Parenthood.