Friday, September 18, 2015

Global Warming - No Pause

Guardian UK: In a blind test, economists reject the notion of a global warming pause - Four separate studies have now demolished the myth of a global warming ‘pause’


Glynn Kalara said...

Yet, it's holy grail on the right. The science nor the facts seem to matter to these people.

Jim Sande said...

It does not matter as long as there is someone out there that echoes the denial, there's no global warming. At the rate it's going in our lifetimes with the environment 'adjusting' as the climate changes - from the microscopic up to humanity, from food to air quality, from drought to flood to drought to fires - where will it all be at 10 years from now? That's not a pretty picture. We'll have areas of the world that are uninhabitable if there were no air conditioning. That 165 degrees in the M.E. over the Summer was just a tip of the blue hot knife.