Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Global Warming - Bill McKibben On Clinton And Pope Francis

  How about that Hillary doing a real solid. The distinction between the GOP and Democrats in the 2016 election is really taking stronger shape. It's not that the GOP favors Keystone, they want several Keystones...

Guardian UK: With Clinton and the Pope on board, the climate movement has wind in its sails - Tuesday’s announcement that Hillary Clinton opposes Keystone XL might not be a miracle, but it’s a step in the right direction by Bill McKibben


Glynn Kalara said...

I still DO NOT trust or believe Billary. Look what it took for her to finally come around to this position. If she gets in the WH all of this will go away fast. Lying to the voters is just a job descriptor for a pol today. Part of the reason Sanders is building steam behind his candidacy is because he's perceived as being credible on the trust level. Billary et al. aren't.

Jim Sande said...

Nobody would like to see Bernie win more than myself. I still think he's not electable although Bernie's making a lot of people think about some very important issues. I actually believe Clinton here. She's much more to the right of Obama but given the present glut of oil in the world and the ridiculous pricing of oil per barrel, it's not really cost effective to build the damn thing anyhow.