Friday, September 18, 2015

Croatia - Migrants

BBC: Migrant crisis: Neighbours squabble after Croatia U-turn
Croatia reversed its open-door policy after 17,000 arrivals since Wednesday. It is now sending thousands of migrants north, angering Slovenia and Hungary.


Glynn Kalara said...

The migrants are a hot potato. Ask yourself this though, why won't any of the surrounding wealthy Arab Gulf States step up to help their own people? Because, they'd rather have Europe take them. It serves a double purpose of getting rid of these people and planting more angry Muslims into an area you eventually want to own.

Jim Sande said...

Yes I tend to agree with Maher on this one - not only are they not taking in these people but why are they not fighting their own freeking war against ISIS. Between a few of those countries there's well over 1 million soldiers available. ISIS is what 25,000 strong?