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Monday, April 28, 2014

Paul On Reagan

AlterNet: Rand Paul Risks Wrath of Conservatives by Exposing the Truth About Their God, Ronald Reagan - Rand Paul talks double-talk on his journey to the 2016 presidential elections.


Glynn Kalara said...

Ray-gun was a fraud. His mini- boom was caused by standard Keynesian pump priming of the economy added to a military build-up. The hang over from his binge on the tax payers dime along with his huge tax cuts for the wealthy have left us in a hole too deep and big to get out of. Worse, people remember him as some kind of hero. He was anything but that. Reagan started us down the dead end road where on today. Thanks Ron I hope you and Satan are enjoying yourselves.

Jim Sande said...

Reagan scared the hell out of me. Very ugly period in my opinion