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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Christie Watch

Open mouth - insert foot...

The Daily News: Colorado pols invite New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to visit following critical comments - Lawmakers were responding to Christie’s criticisms of the Centennial State’s ‘quality of life.’


Glynn Kalara said...

Imagine the chutzpah of this guy lecturing people in Colorado on their quality of life and he's from NJ no less!! LOL! Plus, here's a guy who has some serious personal quality of life issues he should deal with before mouthing off @ anyone.

Jim Sande said...

If the country decides to veer right and authoritarian as it seems to like to do every so often, he's perfect for President. I think some of the independents and possible liberals who might have voted for him are starting to sense something's fishy here. He has an iron stomach, and people like that.