Friday, September 06, 2013

Global Warming - 2012's Wild Weather

NBC News: Study links global warming to some (not all) of 2012's wild weather


Glynn Kalara said...

I think the easiest way to understand the warming is to just realize more heat energy from the sun is being trapped close to the planet because we are filling the atmosphere with excess amounts of various GHGS like C)2 and methane and others. That energy has to go somewhere and increasingly its causing our climates to change as well as associated crazy weather. More GHG more energy more heating as just one example.

Jim Sande said...

That pretty much sums it up, and yet many people and half our government can't seem to follow the logic. They get completely lost and baffled right at step one...

Glynn Kalara said...

Yes, u have the idiots that believe the Earth is 6K yrs. old and dinos existed along with cave people etc. This is America on the its drug of choice religion. Remember what Lenin said about it It's the opiate of the masses. Sadly, for many that is exactly what it is.

Jim Sande said...

What you are saying makes me think about how people are hunkering down on many of these hard notions and beliefs. We live in confusing times and this is causing people to shut down, they are doubling down on this stuff - more entrenched, more uncompromising. The political end of it that we see is not the many body of the entrenchment either, the body of it is with the regular people. That's why we are seeing things like cuts to science and arts, which ultimately do produce exciting jobs, because people are retreating, seeking protection with weapons, bizarre crimes, barbaric dark age laws and such.