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Friday, October 19, 2012

Global Warming - History, The Mass Extinction At The End Of The Permian Era

CS Monitor: Extreme global warming caused devastating die-off


Glynn Kalara said...

A warning from history, the planets history. Fuck with the climate system and your doomed. Up till the Industrial rev. we didn't have access to the thermostat, not any longer. We need to do as McKibben, Hansen and others are are saying, go after the Energy criminals now and rip away any moral legitimacy from them. That will begin the war to undermine their power. Divestment is next, an even harder game. I'm going to Mckibbens tour appearance and show in NYC on the 16th. Check it out online!

Jim Sande said...

Actually your comments should be posts on this blog. This is exactly why I posted this, this is a lesson from history just as you say. And look at the length of time we are talking about for a recovery - millions of years. that 6 f-ing zeros and most people can't possibly fathom that length of time. Now don't forget that in GOTP world bless their little hearts, the world is a mere 6,000 years old total. Naturally because of this amazing ability to not only deny climate science but also deny history and god forbid - evolution, this type of post isn't even something to glance out. Millions of years hah!!