The impact and extent of the damage are not completely clear yet, but the foreboding worry is gigantic.
McClatchy: BP finally connects mile-long pipe to begin capping oil spill
Oil giant BP succeeded Sunday in connecting a mile-long pipe to help capture what it hoped will be a majority of the oil flowing from a damaged well into the Gulf of Mexico...
Satellite images taken Saturday by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory show that the oil may have already entered the Gulf Loop current, which could pull it through the Florida Keys and into South Florida...
The oil impacting the Atlantic through the Gulf Stream would greatly amplify the effects of this disaster. It's amazing how with all this devastation that I'm already seeing political push back by these same Companies and they're political Hail Mary chorus on the right. The Obama admin. as well has hedged on drilling off the coasts in the future and is progressively showing more and more signs of having being bought by these Companies, sickening.
The real gusher that needs to be stopped is the billions of unregulated dollars flowing daily into our political system and hopelessly polluting and destroying it. With this awful disaster it's clear now for anyone willing to really look, that DC is now almost a wholly owned affiliate of the plutocrats and they're various economic and political orgs. Were all being reduced to the role of minor shareholders in a Corp. State. We can make all the noise we want at Corp. gatherings but it's becoming more and more obvious each passing day "we the people" in reality no longer have an actual say in how things are actually being handled.
Certainly couldn't agree more with you. Corporations own the candidates, that's how they get the money to campaign the strongest given the media and its costs.
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