This is a curious phenomena in my opinion because I would have thought that as the ice melts, the sea level would rise. This is not the case in Greenland.
Live Science: Greenland Rising Rapidly as Ice Melts
"It's been known for several years that climate change is contributing to the melting of Greenland's ice sheet," Dixon said in a statement. "What's surprising, and a bit worrisome, is that the ice is melting so fast that we can actually see the land uplift in response."
Dixon added: "Even more surprising, the rise seems to be accelerating, implying that melting is accelerating."
It's a paradox ( or as Chico Marx of the Marx brothers once quiped "A Pair of Ducks." ) Yes, as the huge pressures of the ice are removed off the land beneath Greenland will rise. Over time it's mountains will soar and block air currents flowing eastward to Europe. This will change th climate in these areas. To what is anyone's guess. Some say Northern Europe will become a desert as these mts. block the moisture as does the Rockies in the western part of the US. Some say it will cause these areas to become colder others hotter. Nobody knows and it will take a very long time so don't worry about it. The seas will also rise as Greenland rises. That will significantly alter all the world's present coast lines. So. Flas. will once again sink into the sea s will So. Jersey were I live. NYC and most of the rest of America's coastal cities will go under over the next 100 yrs. This is something we all need to focus on and prepare for it will happen and sooner then most people realize.
Its hard for that to sink in.
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