Thursday, September 03, 2009


The DOW gained 67 and the S&P 8 today. That's fine, at least the week is not a wash, as Friday could be a bitter pill with unemployment data for August coming out early in the day.

This is a big deal. Although employment is not a leading indicator, its more of a lagging indicator, there is still a great deal of emotional energy involved with hearing about how many jobs have been cut.

Its also a big deal because the third quarter, which we are presently in, is supposed to be a GDP grows period instead of the GDP shrinks more period. After 20 months of recession people want some good news man. Are we still in the recession or what.

Notice how many investors are saying we are turning the corner. We will see about that.

Gird your loins. There is the possibility that the news will be the good side of bad rather than the bad side of the bad. I know, I've lost my perspective and have stopped making coherent sense.

Hey, retailers like Target and Costco are doing great. I have yet to visit either store, but I can't wait to go and spend myself senseless.

Reuters: Wall Street ends up on surprising retailers' sales
...stronger-than-expected retail sales data eased concerns about the economy...

"Granted, we're due for a pause, but the reality is we are in an economic recovery."

The Labor Department is due to release its non-farm payrolls figures on Friday morning, which should shed light on the outlook for the economic recovery.

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