One might assume that at least two things will occur as a result. American exports will be more desirable in the world market and equities will be more desirable. I suppose America equities are a type of export product.
That vacation in Europe is going to be a little pricier. The euro is gaining on the dollar.
Reuters: Global rebalancing to weaken dollar, quietly another effort at rebalancing looms, the dollar will again bear the brunt...
...Lawrence Summers has said he wants a U.S. economy that is “more export-oriented and less consumption-oriented”.
America has been impoverished by 30+ yrs. of stupid Rt. wing economic and social policies carried out by both wings of the BIG CORP. Party. Today NO work and almost no business creation is happening here anymore. ( Unless it's somehow a Gov't contract. The Big Corps. have abandoned the American worker and Gov't has done NOTHING to stop this act of treason. In fact they've encouraged it for some unknown reason?
Here and there we get pockets of activity that seem good. People get projects up and running that help and contribute to society. Not everybody is an entrepreneur but our schooling doesn't do a whole lot to encourage this either. This is the time for people to get creative, because there's nothing else out there. One job for every six workers, what kind of shit is that. People got to get out there and make something happen. We can't give up.
Get something happening? Any suggestions?
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