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Monday, May 25, 2009


This might be something to look into.

Lithium usage in hybrid car will allegedly boom. That means lithium mining could also boom.

There is an anti-lithium movement.

Reuters: The lithium boom is coming: The new bubble?
Lithium is generally mined from rock, but it can also be found in deposits in brine ponds. It comes mostly from one region -- the Andes mountains of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia, with some deposits in China. Chile's SQM is the world's largest producer, along with U.S. specialty chemical companies Rockwood Holdings Inc and FMC Corp.

"Lithium is not abundant by any means and future resources will be more difficult to exploit. On the demand side, key sources of demand like consumer electronics have been very weak recently, but longer-term, cyclical headwinds will fade or normalize..."

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