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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Resuscitating Dying Democracy

I found Bush's accusation that the Democrats were not fully funding the troops with their Iraq troop withdrawal provision to be about as disingenuous as it gets. Recall that over the past several years during the Bush administration, that returning wounded vets were inadequately and irresponsibly treated in hell holes like Walter Reed. So on one hand Bush rants about a Democratic provision that actually does fund the troops and goes to great lengths to bring adequate funding to injured troops while over the past several years he has allowed the treatment of wounded troops to be inadequately funded. This is hypocrisy at its height.

The Attorney General scandal is shaping up to be another attempt by Rove and Republicans to subvert the vote. The intent is to place Republicans back in control of the House and Senate. All of this is being done at the expense of the American taxpayer. Select a few Federal attorneys who will investigate Democrats and simultaneously suppress the vote and voila.

I believe that this investigation with Leahy at the wheel with pull the entire rat out.

Patrick Fitzgerald was only able to pull the tail out while the rat body remains.

The implications are far reaching and will probably lead to impeachment hearings. The reason is simple. With the Democrats in control of Congress they now have the power to do so and they are very ticked about this new coupe d'etat attempt. Apparently massive lies to start immoral wars are one thing, but when you step on the toes of the opposition party, then watch out.

Rove is untouchable. He may be subpoenaed. He may even willfully lie about his role in the firings and other related actions to subvert the 2008 election by favoring Republicans in selected districts. But he will never be allowed to face any recriminations. There is a way though, and it is to impeach Bush. Then Rove is a fish out of water.

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