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Monday, March 12, 2007


The European Union is making a great move in banning the ordinary light bulb in 2 years.

Two years to change EU light bulbs by IAN JOHNSTON


1. "Environmentalists said the change would save the public up to £5.4 billion ($10.5 billion) a year in fuel bills and also about 20 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year."

2. "Australia last month said it would become the first country in the world to ban traditional, incandescent light bulbs ... announcing it would phase them out within three years."

One of the comments to the article reads: "What about the real producers of these gasses (USA, China, India etc) cutting their emissions ? Then we would see a realistic difference to the world's greenhouse gas levels."

One of the biggest obstacles in the road to moving the USA in this direction are conservatives. A quick survey will easily find that conservatives not only dispute the evidence of global warming, ridicule the thought of global warming, but also ridicule those that want change to avoid catastrophic global warming collapse to the earth.

One wonders if they now ridicule the entirety of the European Union. This would not surprise most.

My thought is that when debating conservatives on global warming, initially don't mention the catastrophic effects involved. This would be like throwing marbles at a brick wall.

Instead go for the pocketbook. Talk about the savings that one can realize if one were to switch to energy saving bulbs, cars, etc. This is the key - global warming no, saving you money yes.

Address the idea that you become wealthier with energy efficiency, what conservative doesn't want that.

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