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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gonzales as Bait

With the latest Bush fiasco involving Attorney General Gonzales, a few thoughts come to mind.

Why does this particular problem and mess within the Bush White House generate continued attention. After all relative to all of the problems and fiascos of Bush and company this seems relatively small, although it certainly is typical of Bush and it certainly is a malfeasance.

Look anyone paying attention knows that the Iraq War was started deliberately on a ground base of known lies. Yet we simply allow the occupation to chug along on its merry apocalyptic way without going after Bush and the neo-cons. They are skating away from the responsibility.

If there was ever a reason to impeach Bush it has to do with the deliberate gross abuses which Bush used in the run up to the war. The keyword is "war", with several million displaced people and perhaps a million casualties and deaths total from all sides. But hey, what's a few hundred thousand deaths especially if you have no tangible connection with or concern for not one single human being caught in that death trap machine.

The key seems to lay in the fact that Gonzales is getting caught with his lie. All politicians lie and lie with impunity. Bush lies with impunity and with facile belligerence. But he has a fallback position. There are enough lackeys buffering his free lie zone. Someone like George Tenet falls on his sword and voila the Iraq war problem is taken care of, just like a good mob coverup.

This happened to Clinton. He got caught in a lie. Didn't matter that it was about a consensual affair, the issue was that the lie was available, not well enough buffered. Clinton got real sloppy, he couldn't cover his cheating hide, and there are always enough sharks out there to rip you up. There is no shark shortage in politics.

So Gonzales got caught, he didn't buffer his lie zone well enough, and his enemies found out. I mean for me, take him down but not over this. Take him down because he is the torture lawyer. He writes the rules for torture. The keyword here is "torture." Despicable.

Gonzales trusted a subordinates word that he would escape his partisan firing frenzy with nary a scratch. He slipped up and believed it. He also got the White House message to do the job. So he's pressured from above and his trusted below says fine no problem, you'll be fine. This was his vain mistake. He was being setup, put on a bait hook because they were desperate to do some damage to democrats. They lost the congress and senate.

Probably Gonzales didn't have a choice, but he didn't find enough buffer. I don't know how he could have done that. I lack the knowledge. But I know that he got sloppy. Ultimately that is the reason why he loses his job.

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